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Jigsaw Puzzles Titan Help

Game questions:

- There are missing or extra pieces, or I can't move some of them?

- Can I create a puzzle from my own picture?

- How to rotate pieces, or change number of pieces?

- How to delete puzzles, or hide/show puzzles?

- Can I play the game offline (with no Internet access)?

- GameCenter shows "No Data Available".

- Downloading puzzles fails.

- I want more puzzles!

Crashes and purchase/progress issues:

- Mac: "In-app purchase is not supported" message.

- Purchase/restore fails. What can I do?

- How can I get my purchases back?

- How can I synchronize my stats/purchases to another device?

- The game crashes/freezes. What can I do?

- There are missing or extra pieces, or I can't move some of them?

Use the "Scatter" feature to reveal all incorrectly placed pieces. Tap on the white icon in the top-right corner to show the menu, then tap on "Scatter".

The pieces are not missing, but they can be hard to find when they are lying on top of other pieces, or it might be that you are trying to move a piece that is already locked on the correct position.

Also, it might be that the background has similar colors to the puzzle itself, making it look like there's a piece already placed there. Try to switch to another background on the "Options" screen in that case.

- Can I create a puzzle from my own picture?

Here's how you can create a puzzle out of your own photo:

1.) Start up Jigsaw Puzzles Titan, and tap on "Puzzles" on the main menu, then scroll down to the bottom and tap on "Your Photo".

2.) Then tap on the yellow album button to select a photo, and after selecting it, tap on the "Play" button to play it.

Note: This requires the "Premium Edition" pack purchase. If you haven't purchased it, it will show a "Upgrade" button instead of "Play".

- How to rotate pieces, or change number of pieces?

Here's how you can turn on/off piece rotation, and how you can change the amount of jigsaw pieces you are playing with:

1.) Start up Jigsaw Puzzles Titan, and on the main menu, tap on "Puzzles", then tap on the pack & puzzle you want to play.

2.) It will then show the puzzle setup screen. You can turn on/off piece rotation there, and set "Number of pieces" to the amount you want, then tap on "Play" to play the puzzle.

Note: Any puzzle you have already started have to be re-started if you want to play it with the new settings.

- How to delete puzzles, or hide/show puzzles?

Deleting a puzzle pack will free up disk space. Here's how you can delete/hide a puzzle pack in Jigsaw Puzzles Titan:

1.) Start up Jigsaw Puzzles Titan, and on the main menu, tap on "Puzzles", then scroll down to the bottom and tap on "Edit".

2.) Tap on the packs you want to delete/hide. They will then be marked as "Hidden". Then tap on "Back" to confirm it. They are then deleted from your device and disk space freed up.

Note: If you ever want to show/play the puzzle pack again, just tap on "Edit" and tap on the pack again to re-show it.

- Can I play the game offline (with no Internet access)?

You only need to download a puzzle once, then you can play it offline.

You can use the "Download all puzzles" button on the "Options" screen to download all puzzles you have on the "Puzzles" screen so that you can freely play them offline without downloading 1 at a time manually.

Note: The "Today's Free Puzzle" unfortunately requires Internet access once a day, since it changes daily.

- GameCenter shows "No Data Available".

This is due to login issues with Apple GameCenter. Try to log out, then log in again to GameCenter, that usually fixes GameCenter issues. Do the following:

1.) Open up "Settings" app, then go to "GameCenter", and tap on your Apple ID and choose "Sign out".

2.) Then power off your device by holding down the power button for a few seconds, then turn it off, and turn it back on again.

3.) Open up the game and it should ask you to login to GameCenter again. Do that, then check to see if GameCenter properly works.

- Downloading puzzles fails.

Note: If a purchase of a puzzle pack failed, check the Purchase fails question.

If a puzzle fails to download and it shows the Wifi symbol or says "Download failed", it's normally due to a temporary download issue with your Internet connection.

First, try to power off your device by holding down the power button for a few seconds, then turn it off, and turn it back on again. Then start up the game to see if it downloads them correctly now.

If it still doesn't work, and your Internet connection is fine, try to delete the puzzle pack in the game, then re-show it. That will force the game to delete the puzzle & re-download it.

Follow the "How to delete puzzles, or hide/show puzzles?" question on this Help page on how to do this.

- I want more puzzles!

That's great to hear you want more! We are continuously updating our games, and we try to add more puzzles and boards to our games every 1-2 months. Make sure that you are updated to the newest version of the game on the App Store in order to get the newest puzzles.

Also, many people like to use the "Reset puzzles" button on the "Options" screen in our games. This will reset all the puzzles so that you can play them again and get 3 new stars on them all. You keep your total amount of stars/points, so this allows you to get even more stars/points.

- Mac: "In-app purchase is not supported" message.

This is a problem that can happen almost randomly to any kind of Mac app. It has something to do with the Mac App Store downloading an update to an app. Here's how you can normally fix this issue. Delete and re-install the game as explained below. Your purchases/progress should not be lost if you delete the app in the way mentioned below:

1.) Within the Launchpad app on your Mac (it looks like a rocket ship), click and hold on the game's app icon until it starts to shake, then click the 'X' icon that appears above it to delete it properly. Do not drag the app to the Trash or delete it by any other methods.

2.) Reboot your Mac.

3.) Open the "App Store" app, then switch to the "Purchases" tab (or click on your account there, and go to purchases/history) and click the "Install" button next to the game to re-install it.

4.) Now start up the game, wait 30 seconds, then see if it works properly now.

If it still doesn't work, please contact us!

- Purchase/restore fails. What can I do?

First, make sure that you have the newest version of the game that is available on the App Store, to see if it still happens with the newest version.

Often temporary problems with the App Store can cause issues when purchasing/restoring. Please try the following:

1.) If you don't have an iPhone/iPad, go to step 2.

If you do, try to sign out and in of your App Store account. On iPhone/iPad, open up the "Settings" app and find "iTunes & App Store". Tap on your email there, and choose "Sign out", then sign back in again.

2.) Power off your device completely, by holding down the power button for a few seconds and turning it off, then turning it back on.

3.) When it's back on, open up the App Store, just to be sure it's up and running, and that it doesn't ask you to login/confirm something. Then press the "Home" button and open up the game again and try to purchase/restore.

When purchasing, sometimes the following can cause issues as well: Expired credit card, not enough funds on gift card (or gift card does not allow In-App-Purchases), or In-App-Purchases are restricted/disabled on the "Settings" app.

If it still doesn't work, please contact us and let us know what you tried to purchase/restore.

- How can I get my purchases back?

First, make sure that you have the newest version of the game that is available on the App Store.

On Android devices (Google, Samsung, Amazon, Kindle etc.), if you use the same Google/Amazon account as when you bought the purchases, your purchases are normally restored automatically, but it can sometimes take a little time. To force it to update faster, power off your device completely, by holding down the power button for a few seconds and turning it off, then turning it back on. Then open up the App Store app, to make sure it's up and running. Now start up the game again and wait 30 seconds, and hopefully it will have automatically restored your purchases.

On Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac), you can restore your purchases automatically from within the game if you are using the same account you purchased it on. Please do this:

Start the game, and open the "Options" or "Upgrade" screen, then tap on the "Restore purchases" button. Depending on your device, it might ask you to login to your account. Afterwards, it should hopefully find your purchases and restore it. If it doesn't work, please try what we mention in the "Purchase/restore fails" question. If that also fails, don't worry! We have a backup system for giving you back your purchases. Just contact us and let us know which items you have purchased. We can then help you get it back.

- How can I synchronize my stats/purchases to another device?

Make sure you have the newest version of our games. On the 'Options' screen, you can create a 'Kristanix save account', which allows you to backup and synchronize your stats/purchases between all of your devices. Create the account, and use the password you receive to login on your other devices. See our Kristanix Accounts page for more details.

Note: In-progress puzzles are currently not yet synchronized, but everything else is.

- The game crashes/freezes. What can I do?

If one of our games is crashing/freezing, it sounds silly but actually turning off and re-starting your phone/tablet will usually fix this, as it's probably due to your device temporarily being out of memory. Worst case scenario, you could try to delete the game and re-download it.

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